Registration and Fees

You can register for submitting a paper to CERME14 on ConfTool, here: starting from 1st July 2024


You can submit a paper or a poster until 15 September 2024

  • During the submission, you will choose the TWG you submit the paper or poster and a second-choice TWG that can also fit your thematic interests.
  • Each presenting author will also have the option to indicate one coauthor for attending the conference. In this case, the coauthor who wish to attend the conference must register in ConfTool.
  • A certain number of places at the conference are reserved to non-presenting coauthors. Once the review process is finished, coauthors indicated during submission and registered to ConfTool will be informed of the possibility to attend the conference. Priority will be given to supervisors of presenting young researchers.


On 28 October 2024 registration for the conference opens for presenting authors of accepted papers and posters, selected coauthors, TWG leaders and co-leaders, plenary speakers, plenary panelists, IPC and ERME board members.

On 15 November 2024 registration for the conference opens for all people.

On 2 December 2024 is the reduced registration fee deadline.

On 30 December 2024 is the deadline for registration for CERME14.



The registration fee includes: welcome reception, coffee breaks and lunches and gala dinner.

Reduced registration (until 2 December 2024)Full registration (after 2 December 2024)
Student* and Young researcher**345445

* she/he is enrolled in a Master or Phd Program

** she/he has completed her/his doctoral study in February 2022 or later